Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mike Makes It PINK!

PinkJoistsPink! It's my favorite crayon! I even have a room in my house that's just for me, and the walls are bubblegum pink. But now, pink can go much further than the paint on the walls. Earlier this year, Mike Holmes put his stamp of approval on a new product, PinkWood. Like BluWood, PinkWood is wood that has been coated with a special coating, Pinkshield, which makes it mold resistant, moisture resistant, and fire resistant. It's completely non-toxic, and "when exposed to flame, creates an endothermic reaction that significantly slows the time to ignition of the coated material and decreases the rate at which the fire spreads," according to the website. Endothermic is a fancy word for absorbing heat. Basically, when exposed to heat, PinkWood gets colder through a chemical reaction, similar to an ice pack. So scientific... and pretty     :-)

From the PinkWood website:


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